Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Target Crisis: Lawsuit

If you look up Target's crises on the thing in particular dominates.

Oh, the beauty of a lawsuit. It's probably a rarity that a fortune 500 company NOT be dealt a lawsuit. Target has been dealt several. One of which you can read about here. Basically, way back in '06 Target was taken to court because disabled people who visited their website claimed it was not easily accessible to blind people for various reasons. Target and the National Federation of the Blind settled the suit-- NFB won.

Target has also dealt with a race-discrimination suit. Yikes. Target settled the suit by paying $510,000 after 4 African-Americans claimed they weren't hired or interviewed because of their race.

Target seems to have improved their website for the most part in response to the NFB suit, but that suit is from '08, so I wouldn't know what the website looked like before compared to now. It's hard to research exactly WHAT Target did in relation to the racial discrimination suit from '07 however, they now have a whole portion of their website dedicated to diversity. So maybe they've made an effort to improve?

If you're a giant fortune 500 company you better have a damn good crisis plan.....just in case!

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